
New Editorial Manager for Phenomenology and Mind: registration required

Dear All,

we are happy to inform you that, following the change of editor, in the next month Phenomenology and Mind's Editorial Manager will also change.

As users of our current Editorial Manager, we would like for you to join us in the new one.

To this end, you can either register to the new platform (here) or we can do it for you.

We'll be very glad if you could proceed with the new registration - or let us know whether you do not wish to be included in the new Editorial Manager's list of users - by October 22nd. After that date, we'll proceed to register all those who did not either register or express their preference not to do so.

Please keep in mind that if we proceed with your registration we'll need to have temporarily access to your user and password on the platform (you will certainly be able to change the password the first time you log into the platform, but before that we will know the temporary one, so it would be better if you could proceed yourself to guarantee your full privacy).

We are, of course, deeply grateful to all those of you who will autonomously register to the new platform and we hope to see you all contributing to the life of PhM on its new adventure.

Please do not hesitate to write us for any query.

Best regards,

Roberta De Monticelli and Francesca De Vecchi

Editors in Chief

Phenomenology and Mind
