AH News: Autecology of Phyllopezus periosu: Adaptations and Behaviors in a Semiarid Rocky Environment of Northwestern Brazil


The distribution of lizards and geckos is determined by several environmental factors, including temperature, prey availability, microhabitats. The study of the effects of these determinants on a species behavior and adaptations is called autecology and is very important to describe the species’ life history and to design effective action plans for conservation. 

Rocky environments in semiarid areas of northwestern Brazil are inhabited by Phyllopezus periosu, a large phyllodactilid. Between October 2013 and September 2014 P. periosu geckos were actively searched in all microhabitats available in Missão Velha waterfall canyon (Northwestern Brazil). Each observed individual was recorded for up to 12 minutes, and data were collected about its activity patterns, microhabitat use, foraging mode and body temperature. Whenever possible, the individuals were collected, euthanized and measured; they were sexed and their reproductive tracts were dissected and accurately measured. In addition, their stomach content was retrieved and analyzed to determine the trophic niche of the two sexes and of different life stages. 

The study provides a wealth of information about the autecology of the gecko, which is found to prefer rocky habitats to the surrounding vegetation, and to prey using a sit-and-wait strategy. In the studied population, females are smaller than males but have longer forelimbs. The breeding season begins and ends later in females (may-november) than in males (march-september), suggesting that sperm may be retained in the feminine genital tract to maximize reproductive success. Every female produces a single clutch of 2 eggs every year, and the use of communal nests is relatively common.

P. periosu diet in the studied population is opportunistic, but largely dominated by termites, crickets and beetles. Body temperature is positively correlated with the volume of prey consumed; however, it is mostly determined by substrate temperature and air temperature, confirming the thermoconformer nature of the geckos. 

Uncover the secrets of Phyllopezus periosu's resilience and adaptation in the rugged semiarid landscape of Northwestern Brazil. Click here to delve deeper into the fascinating world of this remarkable gecko species.

See you in two weeks!