AH News: Non-Invasive Monitoring of Speleomantes Cave Salamanders: Predicting Body Condition Using Digital Images
A New Methodology for Assessing Body Condition through Tail Area in Speleomantes Salamanders
A New Methodology for Assessing Body Condition through Tail Area in Speleomantes Salamanders
The Role of Temperature and Habitat in Shaping Directional Testes Asymmetry on the Tibetan Plateau
A New Perspective on Its Classification and Potential Envenomation
Ecological Niche Modeling Predicts Diverging Futures for Smilisca fodiens and S. dentata in a Changing Climate
Investigating Environmental and Individual Factors Influencing Gecko Presence and Implications for Monitoring and Conservation.
Insights from the Vezzena Plateau and Conservation Measures for Endemic Urodeles in Italy
Wishing you peace and new discoveries in 2025
A Cautionary Take on GAA2's Model-Based Projections
The Role of Microclimatic Conditions, Seasonal Variations, and Resource Availability in Shaping Ecological Strategies
New insights in the evolutionary placement of Trachylepis mekuana
Presenting our new Assistant Editors
New Morphological Insights and a Dichotomous Key for Accurate Species Identification
New insights in the conservation status of one of the most threatened snakes
The Official Congress Program is Now Available
Our newsletter will be back in September
Optimize Your Chances of Publication with These Essential Updates!
A new study describes dark-skinned asp vipers distribution and models suitable geographical areas for further sampling
Evaluating the Efficiency and Reliability of Hotspotter v. 1.0 for Short-Term Studies on the common tree frog
A Study on the Dietary Habits of P. lessonae, P. ridibundus, and P. esculentus in the South Banat District (Serbia)
A Study on the Role and Distribution of UV Light Fluorescence in 29 Species from Brazil's Biodiverse Ecosystem
We are looking for new Assistant Editors. Read the announcement for more details!
Enhancing Species Identification and Conservation Goals through Automated Recognition Software
New Findings about the Effects of Traffic Noise on Vocal Behavior and Energy Allocation in Aplastodiscus leucopygius
Exploring Hemipenal Morphology in Hierophis viridiflavus Subspecies Reveals Surprising Findings on Reproductive Isolation and Mating Dynamics
A Comprehensive Study on the Ecology and Survival Strategies of a Phylodactylid Gecko
The first circular about the upcoming SHI congress has been released!
Literature exploration sheds light on the correct notation for the Sardinian scincid lizard
Investigating the Genetic Basis of Species Classification in Darevskia portschinskii.
Investigating Trophic Niche Divergence and Urban Influences on Speleomantes italicus Populations
A New Paper Explores Behavioral Diversity and Environmental Responses Across Morphs of Podarcis muralis from the Pyrenees.
We are glad to inform you that the second 2023 issue of AH is now available on line for free. Here the direct link.
Enjoy the issue!
Happy New Year
Thank You for an Incredible Year - AH News Returns January 10th!
A new study unfolds phenotypic differentiation and genetic drivers over short distances in Epidalea calamita
New Research Exploring Host-Parasite Relationships and Trophic Ecology in Coastal Atlantic Forest Lizards
Exploring ecological enigmas: a paper from 2017 suggest unexpected, intriguing interspecific associations
A Study Reveals Impact of Human Activities on Amphibian Populations and Urges Ongoing Conservation Efforts
Diving Into the Fascinating World of Bones: Insights, Identifications, and Environmental Clues
Let’s discover the program of the 1st national congress "Biology and Conservation of Urodeles"!
A paper describing the local ecology of herpetological species and recognizing the main causes of anthropic pressures provides new information to delineate better conservation strategies in the Cilento, Vallo di Diano e Alburni National Park.
A recent study on 7 populations of Rana kukunoris reveals the roles of climate and reproductive role in shaping post-hibernation energy storage strategies.
Mauremys leprosa saharica is a highly tolerant turtle, currently faced with habitat fragmentation, illegal pet trade and impact by invasive alien species. A new study explores population structure, morphology, sexual dimorphism and body condition in 7 populations across the species’ range.
New issue of Acta Herpetologica available online
The SEH Congress 2023 will take place at the Springfield Campus - University of Wolverhampton (United Kingdom), from September 4th to September 8th.
A recent study on an assemblage on Anurans in the Neotropics lays the foundations for a new standardized framework to classify the acoustic breeding strategies of frogs and toads.
Diet differentiation and trophic niche overlap in four South Brazilian syntopic Anurans are described in a new paper.
A recent study has taken advantage of a secular popular ritual to study the prevalence of Ophidiomyces ophidiicola in several snake species in Abruzzi.
We are thrilled to announce that the programme of HerpeThon 2023 has been released.
On October 26th and 27th, Italian herpetologists will meet in Chiavari (GE) to share the latest results regarding the biology and conservation of salamanders, cave salamanders and newts.
Plywood and metal coverboards influence the distribution and richness of snake communities, making sampling and conservation effort more efficient.
Odontophrynus americanus is the first vertebrate species in which polyploidy has been recognized. A new study explores the evolution is this peculiar genetical trait.
A new study investigating age structure, body size distribution and growth patterns in a population of the Caucasian Parsley frog provides new insights in the ecology and life history of the species.
Follow us on our new social media pages!
A recently accepted manuscript explores the potential impacts of by Bsal to Italian salamander populations.
AH team has recently introduced new tools to develop the digital communication strategy of the journal.
A new paper, recently published on Acta Herpetologica, describes six new specie of pygmy chameleons and highlights the threats that challenge their long-term survival.