Molecular genetic characteristics of Darevskia portschinskii lizard populations based on microsatellite markers analysis
Published 2023-12-27
- Darevskia lizards,
- Darevskia portschinskii,
- taxonomy and population genetics,
- microsatellite loci,
- genetic polymorphism
- genetic differentiation ...More
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Copyright (c) 2023 Irena Martirosyan, Dmitrii Odegov, Ilaha Kafarova, Marine Arakelyan, Alexey Ryskov, Vitaly Korchagin

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Funding data
Russian Science Support Foundation
Grant numbers 19-14-00083
The Caucasian rock lizard species Darevskia portschinskii is one of the bisexual species participating in interspecific hybridisation as the paternal ancestor with the maternal ancestors D. mixta and D. raddei resulting in the successful formation of the parthenogenetic D. dahli and D. rostombekowi, respectively. Populations of D. portschinskii have been previously divided into two subspecies, D. p. portschinskii and D. p. nigrita according to their geographical distribution and the morphological data, but they have not been characterised genetically. Here, we used ten microsatellite markers to determine the genetic structure of the D. portschinskii populations. The utility of the developed microsatellite markers for investigating the genetic variability within and among populations with a heterogeneous spatial distribution was demonstrated. Our results showed that the intra- and interspecific differentiation of the studied populations were consistent with the morphological data on the subspecies status of the D. p. portschinskii and D. p. nigrita populations. A potential applicability of the developed microsatellite markers to study genetic diversity of Darevskia species and subspecies complexes is suggested.
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