The tale of the black viper: distribution and bioclimatic niche modelling of melanistic Vipera aspis in Italy
Published 2024-06-21
- Bioclimatic model,
- Habitat suitability,
- MaxEnt,
- Mediterranean,
- Melanism
- Snake,
- Vipera aspis ...More
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Copyright (c) 2024 Matteo Riccardo Di Nicola, Francesco Paolo Faraone, Andrea Vittorio Pozzi, Nicolò Borgianni, Lorenzo Laddaga, JEAN-LOU M. C. DORNE, Gianmarco Minuti

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
For decades, the evolutionary role of melanism in reptiles has been highly debated. According to the thermal melanism hypothesis, melanistic phenotypes should provide thermal advantages, thus positively impacting various biological aspects of these individuals. Nevertheless, these benefits seem to be countered by environmental constraints and predatory pressure. Here, we mapped for the first time the distribution of the melanistic phenotypes in the highly polymorphic asp viper (Vipera aspis). We focused our research effort on the Italian peninsula, where this species reaches its highest level of taxonomic diversity with three currently described subspecies. Furthermore, we investigated via bioclimatic niche modelling, the influence of a wide array of bioclimatic variables on the distribution of melanism in Italian asp vipers. In general, our results seem to support the implications of the thermal melanism hypothesis, highlighting the central influence of mean annual temperature and elevation on the geographic distribution of melanistic V. aspis. At the finest scale, our analyses have highlighted a distinction in bioclimatic niches among the three assessed subspecies. However, further fine-scale investigations are needed in order to exclude the potential influence of latitude and elevation on the observed the intersubspecific bioclimatic niche segregation pattern.
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