Vol. 9 No. 1 (2014)
Short Note

Observations on the use of tarantula burrows by the anurans <em>Leptodactylus bufonius</em> (Leptodactylidae) and <em>Rhinella major</em> (Bufonidae) in the Dry Chaco ecoregion of Bolivia

Published 2014-06-30

How to Cite

Schalk, C., & Sezano, M. (2014). Observations on the use of tarantula burrows by the anurans <em>Leptodactylus bufonius</em> (Leptodactylidae) and <em>Rhinella major</em> (Bufonidae) in the Dry Chaco ecoregion of Bolivia. Acta Herpetologica, 9(1), 99–102. https://doi.org/10.13128/Acta_Herpetol-13606


Some species of anurans have been observed utilizing burrows of other animals, such as rodents and tarantulas. Here we report the observations of two anuran species, Leptodactylus bufonius and Rhinella major, utilizing the burrows of tarantulas (Acanthoscurria sp.; Family Theraphosidae) in the dry Chaco ecoregion of Bolivia. Both species of anurans never co-occurred with tarantulas in the burrows and used burrows that were wider in diameter and closer to breeding ponds as compared to the total available tarantula burrows in the area. These burrows may serve as refuges from predators, especially for conspicuous, calling males.


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