Vol. 16 No. II (2024)
Sezione monografica «La libertà è difficile». Per Roberto Roversi

La narratività di Dopo Campoformio

Paolo Giovannetti
Università IULM, Milano

Published 2024-12-15


  • narrativity in 20th century poetry,
  • verb tenses,
  • 20th century metrics

How to Cite

Giovannetti, P. (2024). La narratività di Dopo Campoformio. L’ospite Ingrato, 16(II), 59–74. https://doi.org/10.36253/oi-17014


The ‘poemetto’ (long poem) Dopo Campoformio displays weak characters of narrativity, despite the most common critical judgements. Over the years, Roversi achieved a particular type of linear structure, with few hierarchies, lyrically oriented, enhancing the characteristics of the individual compositions. The kind of verbal and metrical temporality thereby obtained denotes a problematic relationship with history, in part homologous to the thematic structures: that is, a static present, interrupted by sudden breakthroughs into a painful past or a possible future.