Vol. 43 No. 1 (2017): XLIII - 2017

Sulla rotta degli Argonauti: diacronia di un <em>genos</em> (Apoll. Rhod. 1.536-585; 4.1773 ss.)

Published 2017-09-11


  • Apollonius Rhodius,
  • Argonautica,
  • heroes,
  • poetry


A stylistic and metrical analysis of the passage shows to what great extent Apollonius is steeped in history and literature. A  comparison  with  the  close  of the  Argonau­tica  con­firms  some  choices  of  the  poet  concerning  in  particular  ecphrastic  traits  matched  with  the  musicality  of  the  verse,  in  agreement with  the  usual  practice  of  allusive  art.