Published 2019-07-17
- Menander,
- Misoumenos,
- characterization,
- miles amatorius,
- Thrasonides
This paper deals with the characterization and dramatic function of some personaein Menander’s Misoumenos. More specifically, the presentation of Thrasonides as a milesamatoriuscan be supported by a comparison with the behaviour of Charisios in Epitr. 879-900. Theportrait of Thrasonides as the reverse of the traditional comic type presentssome echoes of the final lament of the Sophoclean Herakles (Tr. 1058-1075). Simultaneously, the pallakeKrateia clearly subverts the submission to the soldier who bought her, as a comparison with Ajax’s Tecmessa may highlight. Finally, Chrysis should not be identified with Krateia’s nurse, especially on account of her name; the role of the nurse might be attributed to Simiche.