Vol. 45 No. 1 (2019): XLV - 2019

Rutilio Namaziano e Seneca, paradossi e polemiche (a pro¬posito dei vv. 439-452 e 515-526)

Published 2019-07-17


  • Rutilius Namatianus,
  • Seneca,
  • reception of Seneca,
  • Christian hermit monks,
  • polemical attitudes


This article focuses on some passages of the poem De reditu suo, vv. 439-452 and 515-526, where Rutilius Namatianus polemicizes against the hermit monks of the lonely Tuscan islands Capraia and Gorgona. The relevant verses show striking resemblances with texts by Seneca, when the philosopher criticizes the withdrawn lifestyle of some of his contemporaries. In my opinion the echoes of Senecan paradoxes are especially remarkable from a stylistic point of view.