Vol. 49 (2023): XLIX - 2023

Messaggi politici dalle coppie plutarchee Licurgo-Numa e Teseo-Romolo

Published 2023-06-21


  • Plutarch’s Lives,
  • Lycurgus–Numa,
  • Theseus–Romulus,
  • sense of State,
  • educational systems


The two pairs Lycurgus-Numa and Theseus-Romulus are linked, as Plutarch himself  declares, by a very close connection, so that is reasonable to assume that they were composed im­mediately after each other. In fact, the one and the other are centered, as it is particularly evident in the final Comparisons, on the problems of the origins and first regulations of a State: through the re-enactment of the four lives Plutarch shows what are the conditions of the exercise of political power in a newborn State, and of the durability of its institutions.