Vol. 13 No. 1 (1987): XIII - 1987, fascicolo 1

La nozione di φρόνησις negli scritti postaristotelico-peripatetici di etica (<em>MM, De virt. et vit., Epit. Peripatetica</em> ap. Stob., Plut. <em>De virt. mor.</em>)

Published 2016-09-19


  • Aristotle,
  • Plutarch,
  • Greek ethics


In these texts, phronesis is gradually deprived of the cognitive force that Aristotle assigned to it, rather evolving into a moral virtue. Such evolution aimed to adapt the Aristotelian system to the more pragmatic tendencies of later centuries, at the same time providing a response to Chrysippus’ ethic theories.