Vol. 16 No. 1 (1990): XVI - 1990, fascicolo 1

Philosophische und medizinische Ursachensystematik und der stoische Determinismus (2. <em>Teil</em>)

Published 2016-09-17


  • Stoicism,
  • Greek philosophy


An analysis, in the light of the first part of this paper (“Prometheus” 15, 1989, 209-239), of some neglected texts related to the Stoic doctrine of causes: Alex. Aphr. De fato 22, p. 192.18 ff. Br.; Clem. Al. Str. 8, several passages; Plut. De Stoic. rep. 47, 1055F ff.; Gell. NA 7.2.1-11; Cic. De fato 41-42.