Vol. 2 No. 3 (1976): II - 1976, fascicolo 3

Eracle e Tiodamante in Callimaco e Apollonio Rodio

Published 2016-12-13


  • Callimachus,
  • Apollonius of Rhodes,
  • Theocritus,
  • Hellenistic poetry


Despite the similarity of the myths, Callimachus’ aitia on Heracles in Lindos (fr. 23) and among the Dryopes (fr. 24-25) are very different: the first is comic and recalls the sacrifice to Heracles Βουθοίνας celebrated in Lindos; the second presents Heracles in his role of benefactor of mankind and has a serious and pathetic tone. The Hymn to Artemis, which is connected with a more archaic aspect of the myth of Heracles and Theiodamas, presumably predates the aition. Apollonius 1.1213 ff. was surely aware of Callimachus’ aition. Similarities between Callimachus’ second aition and Theocritus’ Idyll 4 can also be noted: one of them certainly knew the poem of the other.