Vol. 25 No. 2 (1999): XXV - 1999, Fascicolo 2

Due note all’<i>Eneide</i>: 3.19-46 e 7.286-92

Published 2015-09-10


  • Vergil,
  • Aeneid,
  • Exegesis,
  • Gods and Literary tradition


In the first note, the author stresses the presence of Alexandrian features and background in a passage of the Aeneis’ third book. The second one studies some literary components (Od. 5.282-85 and Call. H. 4.51-274) supporting the interpretation according to which, in 7.286-92, Juno tends to be associated to the ‘aether’, inasmuch as she is an usurper of Zeus’ prerogatives.