Vol. 26 No. 3 (2000): XXVI - 2000, Fascicolo 3

<i>Non movent divos preces</i> (Phaedr. 1242): aspetti delle invocazioni agli dèi nelle tragedie di Seneca (2)

Published 2015-09-10


  • Seneca,
  • tragedies,
  • prayers,
  • Medea,
  • Phaedra


Second part of the paper on the meaning of the relationship between gods and men in Seneca’s tragedies, with particular regard to the prayers directed to hostile deities. Upsetting of traditional patterns and magic prayer in Seneca’s Medea. Deceiving assents and disillusioned prayers (Phaedr. 945-958 and Oed. 247-263). Ideological complementarity and differences of perspectives.