Vol. 3 No. 1 (1977): III - 1977, fascicolo 1

Lite per un matrimonio truffaldino nella Grecia arcaica (Hes. fr. 43 M.-W.)

Published 2016-12-13


  • Hesiod,
  • Erysichthon,
  • Sisyphos,
  • Greek Law


Analysis of the relevant fragment and reconstruction of Mestra’s story in the Hesiodic Catalogue. Mestra, Erysichthon’s daughter, gets married with Glaukos, Sisyphos’ son, in exchange of a lot of animals, in order to satisfy Herysichthon’s hunger: then, through a metamorphosis, she disappears. Sisyphos protests this, but does not succeed in obtaining compensation.. The author of these lines is Hesiod or at least a poet of his entourage.