Vol. 27 No. 2 (2001): XXVII - 2001, fascicolo 2

Il decreto di Antimaco, Aristofane e la <i>Costituzione degli Ateniesi</i> pseudosenofontea

Published 2015-09-10


  • Aristophanes,
  • Cleon,
  • Antimachus’ decree


In order to bring Aristophanes to justice after the staging of the Babylonians, Cleon might have appealed to Antimachus’ decree against the “attack by name in comedy” (κωμῳδεῖν ἐξ ὀνόματος). The alleged hint in pseudo-Xenophon’s Athen. Pol. 1.18 to the abrogation of this decree may bear witness to the case’s historical reality.