Vol. 29 No. 2 (2003): XXIX - 2003, fascicolo 2

Posidippo tra Pindaro e Callimaco

Published 2014-04-15


  • Hellenistic poetry,
  • Callimachus,
  • Posidippus,
  • elegy


Textual notes on SH 705.16f. and Callim. fr. 1.2 Pf., and remarks on the affinities between the final lines of Posidippus’ elegy and the Aitia epilogue. Further remarks on the relationship between Posidipp. epigr. 92 A.-B. and Callim. epigr. 38 G.-P., as well as between Posidipp. epigr. 129 A.-B. and Hor. carm. 4.1.