Vol. 33 No. 3 (2007): XXXIII - 2007, fascicolo 3

Plut., <em>Quaest. Plat.</em> IX 1009AB: due questioni testuali

Published 2013-07-04


  • Plutarch,
  • Platonic Quaestiones,
  • Platonic theory


In this passage, the Platonic theory of the happy medium is read in the light of the Aristotelian medietas. At 1008D, supply e.g. ἄπεστι after ἀλλὰ ᾧ πάθους μὲν ἧττον h] τῷ πρώτῳ. In the definition of the medium produced by the δύναμις of λόγος in the passions, “the Platonic philosophers” could be the subject of καλοῦσι.