Vol. 35 No. 3 (2009): XXXV - 2009, fascicolo 3

I <em>Prolegomena</em> di Sopatro all’opera di Elio Aristide: strutture retoriche e teoria stilistica

Published 2012-10-03


  • Sopratros,
  • commentary to Aelius Aristides,
  • rhetoric,
  • didactic tradition


In the late fourth century the rhetorical commentary of Sopatrus to Aelius Aristides is a real prolegomenon or introduction to art of rhetoric as a logical discipline by connection with the theory on ‘Staseis’ questions. These propaedeutic works between pedagogic-school treatment and Introduction to the rhetoric give a critical contribution to the reconstruction of the stylistic rhetoric in the late greek antiquity and become a part of an ancient didactic tradition and a method of teaching which goes back to the rules by Dionysius of Halicarnassus. The function of Sopatros is to place these interpretation in a system of knowledge a understood also by the philosophers.