Published 2012-07-11
- Callimachus,
- Alexandrian poetry,
- text from papyrus
In the lines 9-12 of Aitia fr. 1, Callimachus says that (like himself) Philitas too was a poet of short poems, but his Demeter is much better than the long Ship (i.e. Apollonios’ Argonautica); and that Mimnermos is sweet, has been taught by his wonderful nightingales (= elegies), not by his great woman (= Smirneis). The new conjecture αἱ μεγαλ[εῖαι / ἀδόνες] (i.e. ἀηδόνες) uses Bastianini’s new reading at P.Lond.Lit. 181.11.The well-known Florentine diegesis on this passage means that the short poems by Mimnermos and Philitas are better than even the great poems.