Vol. 46 No. 1 (2020): XLVI - 2020

Un nuovo estratto del Lexicon Vindobonense nel ms. Barocci 216

Published 2020-07-03


  • Lexicon Vindobonense,
  • Andreas Lopadiotes,
  • manuscript Barocci 216


This article deals with a hitherto unknown excerptum of the Lexicon Vindobonense. The ex­cerptum is transmitted in the 15th-century ms. Bodl. Barocci 216 and preserves only the first eleven lemmata of the Lexicon. It reflects the original redaction (α) of this work, which is fully transmitted only in ms. Neap. II D 29. In the light of the new evidence offered by the excerptum Baroccianum, we can better gauge the extent of the dissemination of the Lexicon among the humanists, and the hypothesis that the α redaction may be a product of the copyist of the Neapolitan manuscript (already dismissed by A. Guida) can be conclusively rejected. 


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