Vol. 39 No. 1 (2013): XXXIX - 2013

Note critiche a Ps.-Quint., Decl. mai. 16

Published 2013-09-09


  • tyrannus,
  • corpus vicarium,
  • amici vades


The sixteenth Major Declamation is the more complex of the texts falsely ascribed to Quintilian. These notes propose solutions to seven problematic passages [§2 (p. 321, 6-10 H.); §3 (p. 322, 1-7 and p. 322, 8-10 H.); §4 (p. 323, 4-6 H.); §8 (p. 328, 6-9 H.) §9 (p. 328, 11-13 H.); §10, pp. 329,24-330,1 H.)], through exegetical or conjectural interventions on the standard text by L. Håkanson 1982.


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