Vol. 41 No. 1 (2015): XLI - 2015

Il linguaggio infantile in Apollonio 3.90-157 tra risemantizzazione e straniamento semantico e iconografico

Published 2015-09-09


  • Apollonius of Rhodes,
  • Argonautica,
  • Childhood,
  • Aphrodite,
  • Eros


This paper analyzes the part of the III book of Apollonius’ Argonautica in which Aphrodite requests the agency of Eros to make Medea fall in love. Here the poet presents us with a description of the childish world which is rarely found in Greek literature. Patterns from epic, lyric and tragedy are placed in a new context marked by a semantical renovation of language, with an ensuing estranging effect. In addition to the unusual representation of Aphrodite, the dynamics set in motion by Eros’ and Ganymede’s playing is studied as somehow fore-shadowing the future developments involving Medea and Jason.