Vol. 41 No. 1 (2015): XLI - 2015

Una mantella misteriosa (Herod. <i>Mim.</i> 2.10-15)

Published 2015-09-09


  • Herodas,
  • comedy,
  • ‘Schwerathlet’,
  • Aristomedes,
  • Hipponax


Among the models of Herodas’ Mim. 2, the paper emphasizes the comic stock-character of the ‘Schwerathlet’ and points out an allusive reference to Aristomedes as described by Phile-mon (fr. 41 K.-A.) and Demosthenes (10.70-74). The passage on Thales’ cloak (vv. 14 and 21-23) is reminiscent of Hipponax (frs. 42-43 Degani) and perfectly combines all the most important models re-elaborated by Herodas in these verses: the comic athlete, Demosthenes’ and Philemon’s Aristomedes (a strange figure of rhetor-thief-thug), Hipponax’s iambic beggar.