Vol. 10 (2024)

On the left periphery of ‘optional’ wh-in-situ: Evidence from Greek

Published 2024-10-02


  • Labeling,
  • Movement,
  • Selection,
  • Speech Act,
  • Wh-in-situ

How to Cite

Vlachos, C. (2024). On the left periphery of ‘optional’ wh-in-situ: Evidence from Greek. Quaderni Di Linguistica E Studi Orientali, 10, 79–88. https://doi.org/10.36253/qulso-2421-7220-16567


A recent generalization about ‘optional’ wh-in-situ states that wh-in-situ questions are blocked in selected contexts, where the only grammatical option is wh-fronting. In this squib, I show that the generalization is misplaced: Wh-in-situ is not actually blocked in selected contexts, it is simply not visible to selection as a wh-construction. To this end, I provide empirical evidence from Greek wh-in-situ questions, concentrating on issues revolving around selection, movement and the discourse. The analysis proposed treats wh-in-situ as a construction in its own right, being open to labeling possibilities that its wh-fronting counterpart cannot have.


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