Vol. 4 (2018)

A Metagrammatical Approach to Periphrasis in Gwadloupéyen

Emmanuel Schang
LLL UMR 7270, Université d’Orléans & CNRS

Published 2018-09-17


  • Guadeloupean Creole,
  • periphrasis,
  • Tree-Adjoining Grammar

How to Cite

Schang, E. (2018). A Metagrammatical Approach to Periphrasis in Gwadloupéyen. Quaderni Di Linguistica E Studi Orientali, 4, 131–149. https://doi.org/10.13128/QULSO-2421-7220-23842


In this paper, I show that verbal and nominal functional elements of Gwadloupéyen can be described in the Tree-Adjoining Grammar as pertaining to morphological periphrasis. This challenges the claim that Creoles have fully analytical morphology.