Vol. 12 No. 1 (2021): Special Issue on Cyberconnection as media culture. Social networking sites, media competence and citizenship

On life: adolescenti tra narrazioni e identità

Antonia Cava
University of Messina
Assunta Penna
Università degli Studi di Salerno
Debora Pizzimenti
Università degli Studi di Messina

Published 2021-05-03


  • storytelling,
  • teenagers,
  • digital skills,
  • identity,
  • social network


In this paper, we investigate how young people use social media. In particular, we analyse their narrative strategies and what is considered crucial in others’ social representation. This research study was carried out in the high schools of Reggio Calabria, a provincial capital medium-sized in the south of Italy. Using a survey, we investigate the everyday uses of the Internet technologies by girls and boys aged between fourteen and sixteen: their performed activities, the smartphone role in their family and peers relationships, the impact of the digital content on their behaviours. According to our findings, dichotomy interpretations of the digital ecosystem turn out to be misleading: people live consistently within both environments of an existence on-life. In the conclusions, we claim that we should not stigmatise this double environment lives, but understand and give it value.


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