Vol. 12 No. 1 (2021): Special Issue on Cyberconnection as media culture. Social networking sites, media competence and citizenship

Developing support teachers’ digital competencies for an inclusive citizenship

Giuseppa Cappuccio
Università degli Studi di Palermo
Giuseppa Compagno
Università degli Studi di Palermo

Published 2021-05-03


  • Capability Approach,
  • citizenship,
  • DigComp,
  • digital skills,
  • inclusive education


The present work focuses on the construct of digital citizenship from an educational and inclusive point of view. Considering the general European interest in implementing citizens’ digital skills and with particular care for the contemporary situation of overall emergency, due to the Covid 19 pandemic case, the idea is that of considering a possible conceptual link between digital skills and the Capability Approach. In the light of an ‘Education for all’, the aware development of teachers and, particularly support teachers’ digital skills, may be a crucial key to enact inclusive processes able to guarantee any pupil and student the chance to become a capable and valuable citizen, despite his/her frailties and social failures. This paper is part of a wider research project entitled “Best practices and tools of analysis in schools and community contexts: learning, teaching & inclusion”, started in March 2019 and funded by the Department of Psychological, Pedagogical Sciences, Physical Exercise and Training, of the University of Palermo, and of which just a segment related to the analysis of support teachers’ digital competence is reported here.


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