Vol. 12 No. 1 (2021): Special Issue on Cyberconnection as media culture. Social networking sites, media competence and citizenship

Alfabetización del profesorado en gamificación mediada por las TIC. Estado del arte

Beatriz R. Sarmiento
Universidad Internacional de La Rioja
María Ángeles Hernández Prados
Universidad de Murcia
Noelia Carbonell Bernal
Universidad Internacional de La Rioja
María Cinta Aguaded Gómez
Universidad de Nebrija

Published 2021-05-03


  • TIC,
  • gamification,
  • ict,
  • learning,
  • teacher training


Recognizing the need for teacher literacy, highly supported by educational research, this work aims to carry out a reflective exercise on the educational potential of gamification mediated by Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and its inclusion in the educational curriculum, offering all those aspects that a teacher who wishes to start in the gamification of their subject should know. To do this, following the methodological parameters of the state of the art, the concepts related to the term, such as learning through games or gamification, among others, are reviewed, as well as the features and characteristics of this active methodology and the educational impact it has in students, considering the perspective of different authors and the results of various investigations. Finally, some ICT tools and psychopedagogical guidelines are exposed that facilitate the implementation of gamification in the classroom by teachers. Every literacy process implies reaching the teaching competence level that contributes to the experiential transfer of knowledge to the classroom. With this intention this article has been constructed, wishing that it was inspiring and that it promoted the teaching methodological change.