Vol. 12 No. 2 (2021): MEDIA EDUCATION – Studi, ricerche e buone pratiche

Effetti dell’astinenza dai media in un gruppo di studenti universitari

Renato Stella
Dipartimento FISPPA, Università di Padova

Published 2021-11-29


  • old and new media,
  • addiction,
  • youth


The pervasiveness of new media has raised some questions as to what would happen if we were to deprive ourselves of different media forms for a shorter or longer time. The debate on this issue has become intense in recent years, especially in relation to the hypothesis that the relationship with the web and internet can configure a greater and more insidious dependence on media. To verify how, and if, this happens, I asked 121 university students to refrain from the consumption of media on smartphones, tablets, radios and televisions for a period ranging from three days to a week. The results, collected in diaries compiled during the test, testified to different levels of attachment to media, the interruption of which produced notable consequences in the daily organisation of time and social relations.


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