Vol. 13 No. 2 (2022): MEDIA EDUCATION - Studi, ricerche e buone pratiche

Media Literacy in Peru: Reflections and comparisons on a 10-year journey

Julio-César Mateus
Universidad de Lima
Tessa Jolls
Center for Media Literacy
Daniel Chapell
Sara Guzman
Medios Claros

Published 2022-11-08


  • media education,
  • media literacy,
  • educommunication,
  • Core Concepts,
  • Peru


This paper compares the results of a media literacy test taken in 2009 and 2019 at three schools in Lima, Peru. To understand the study’s results in this 10-year comparison, the context surrounding the study is examined, including Peru’s approach to national standards and curriculum and the Center for Media Literacy’s frameworks for media literacy. Although technology, especially social media, advanced dramatically during this 10-year period, students continued to demonstrate that they doubt the media. However, the paradigm that has prevailed in Peru has been to provide technology to schools instead of promoting media literacy in the curriculum or in teacher training, ignoring Latin American tradition of educommunication. After initial promising results for students’ understanding Core Concepts of media literacy, later results in 2019 show that these Concepts were not retained, nor was teacher training reinforced. The combination of more teacher training and incorporating media literacy into the national curriculum can be powerful drivers for introducing media literacy into the education system of Peru. This article, based on survey results from three Lima-based private schools, contends its importance and urgence, over all in the context of global Covid-19, which has forced school lockdowns for almost two years, increasing Peruvian children’s exposure and interaction with media.


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