Published 2022-04-28
- digital competence,
- awareness,
- digital capital,
- digital literacy,
- socialization
In recent years, the daily consumption of digital devices has filled international sociological scientific debate and reflection on the issue of data and the ethical, social and cultural implications of using such platforms. The issue of digital security has also become central to the public debate, in two significant moments: in 2018, on the occasion of the entry into force of the G.D.R. 2016/679 (General Data Protection Regulation) and in March 2020 on the occasion of the lockdown generated by the Covid-19 which, in fact, forced the whole world to re-organize its production and communication structure, intensifying the digitalization of communication processes and the use of devices in everyday life. In the first case, Article 8 offered the possibility to EU member states to lower the age threshold to thirteen to authorize the processing of personal data online, raising questions on the issue of the ‘digital awareness’ of minors. This is the background to this proposal, which aims to illustrate the results of a national survey on digital safety conducted by the Sapienza University of Rome. The research focuses on the degree of media awareness of adolescents, taking into account the conditioning of digital and social, school and family capital.
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