Vol. 13 No. 1 (2022): MEDIA EDUCATION – Studi, ricerche e buone pratiche

Il ricorso al video nella formazione del docente della scuola dell’infanzia per la costruzione di competenze inclusive incarnate

Filippo Gomez Paloma
Università di Macerata
Valeria Minghelli
Università degli Studi di Salerno

Published 2022-04-29


  • Embodied Cognition Science,
  • teacher training,
  • school inclusion,
  • embodied simulation,
  • video


Cognitive sciences and neuroscientific landings allow to support the existence of a circular dialogue between perception, action, emotion and cognition and their ability to influence and strengthen each other in the process of knowledge. These considerations are unavoidable, so they can and must have many impacts on teacher training. In particular, the training of support teachers requires cognitive reflections that are closely linked to experiential content, information, and body representations, that are capable of narrating effective and inclusive interpersonal relationships. After a description of the Embodied based constructs, that formed the basis of the training model, this contribution discusses about the treatment of the literature in support of the use of video both as an embodied training tool, designed to promote the centrality of the body in the processes of observation and simulation of inclusive strategies; and as a means of “narration” of effective and real inclusive processes, capable of having a positive impact on the perception of disability and its functioning. The undertaking of experiential and emotional body dimensions in training is an essential element, in order to promote, the construction of crossmodal skills of the teacher (corporeal-emotional-empathic) for the structuring of real inclusive processes and contexts in the classroom.


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