Vol. 13 No. 1 (2022): MEDIA EDUCATION – Studi, ricerche e buone pratiche

Superare le barriere dell’inclusione. L’alfabetizzazione digitale per adulti con disabilità intellettiva nell’esperienza del progetto AIM (Accessible Information Material)

Roberta Piazza
Dipartimento di Scienze della Formazione, Università di Catania
Simona Rizzari
Dipartimento di Scienze della Formazione, Università di Catania

Published 2022-05-04


  • access,
  • cognitive disabilities,
  • digital literacy,
  • easy to read material,
  • training course


This paper describes the Accessible Information Material project aimed at promoting digital literacy for adults with intellectual disabilities and/or with low levels of literacy. The paper, that is introduced by a brief discussion of the role of ICT in promoting the inclusion of disabled people, intends to make a contribution to the design of digital literacy practices. The creation of easy-to-read material and the development of a path for the training of adults with intellectual disabilities are designed as tools to facilitate access and utilization of digital technology and to support their inclusion.


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