Turtle Game Stop & Go: Un Edugame per promuovere le funzioni esecutive nei bambini con disabilità
Published 2022-05-03
- disability,
- Edugame,
- inclusion,
- Media Education
In the last decade, video games have been used as adequate tools to carry out lessons and in some cases promote cognitive functions. This research is also based on this trace. The Turtle Game Stop & Go, presented here, was designed to improve the executive functions: inhibition, working memory (verbal and visuospatial) and cognitive flexibility. Moreover, Turtle Game Stop & Go, from a graphic point of view, takes into account the Uncanny Valley phenomenon, already described in the 1970s by Masahiro Mori, to create a game suitable for children who attend primary school. Turtle Game Stop & Go is a digital interactive resource that features a challenging task, this game promotes player engagement. In addition, the game works on personal motivation through a 3D design, the animated background of the game is also animated and helps to get into the context of the story. The graphics thus conceived help the player to identify with the virtual identity of the avatar, the player takes on a new point of view and carries out intentional actions. These actions aim at the development of executive functions (EF), acting as training for their strengthening in pupils with typical development and in learners with Special Educational Needs.
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