Vol. 13 No. 2 (2022): MEDIA EDUCATION - Studi, ricerche e buone pratiche

Una metodologia innovativa per le famiglie al nido: Il Digital Storytelling tra competenze riflessive e narrative

Martina Albanese
Università degli Studi di Palermo
Silvana Nicolosi
Università degli Studi di Palermo

Published 2022-11-08


  • training,
  • digital storytelling,
  • storytelling,
  • parents,
  • nursery


The Covid-19 pandemic has questioned communication and inter-relational methods. During the period in question, educators questioned how to dialogue with children and how to nurture the relationship at a distance. The social sharing of the educational task, the support and accompaniment to parents has proved to be fertile ground for promoting the global growth of the person. The nursery-family relationship and the storytelling activity - declined according to the type of Digital Storytelling - constitute the main axes of the research described below, conducted at a distance with 20 pairs of parents of 20 children attending a municipal nursery school in the city of Palermo. Through the research process, the aim was to enhance parents’ reflective competence, narrative competence and critical re-elaboration supported using ICT. The methodology implemented is that relating to the model of Alterio and McDrury (2003). To evaluate the acquisition of reflexive and narrative skills and critical re-elaboration, three focus group sessions and the evaluation sheet of the quality and validity of digital storytelling, created by parents with the support of the nursery educators, were used.


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