The conditioning of social networking sites in the formation of migratory chains of unaccompanied foreign minors
Published 2022-11-08
- communities,
- migratory chains,
- social networking sites,
- unaccompanied foreign minors
The relational uprooting faced by young unaccompanied minors, when they undertake a migratory process, it places them in a situation of extreme vulnerability. Timeshare in the Center for Minors offered relationships between themselves, which are later maintained and reflected on social networking sites. The content that can be shared on social networking sites could condition the subsequent migratory itinerary travel and the migratory chains that are formed. In this study, the profiles on social networking sites of 51 unaccompanied minors were analyzed one year after having passed through a Center for Minors located in Malaga (Spain). Through social networks analysis, netnography and certain algorithms for community detection, cohesion and emotion analysis, the connectedness and interaction patterns shown by these young people on social networking sites (Facebook) will be analyzed, identifying leaderships and detecting communities that influence the formation of migratory chains. The results show how the patterns of connectedness, interaction and leadership reflect migratory chains.
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