Vol. 13 No. 2 (2022): MEDIA EDUCATION - Studi, ricerche e buone pratiche

Tecnología digital y nuevas formas de evaluar el apoyo social en la mentoría de menores

Anna Sánchez Aragón
Social & Business Research Laboratory (SBRlab), Universitat Rovira i Virgili, 43002 Tarragona

Published 2022-11-09


  • mobile apps,
  • digitalization,
  • social mentoring,
  • digital social work


This article presents the experience of implementing in a formal mentoring service a digital application that instantly connects mentors and social workers/educators. In order to improve scientific research and evaluation methods of youth mentoring programs, it was designed a data monitoring and synchronization system that provides real-time information about meetings. The so-called Messagenes app was tested with 130 couples mentor-mentee during their participation in the Nightingale project, a community-based mentoring programme whose objective is to facilitate social, cultural and linguistic cohesion of foreign minors. The results demonstrate the benefits of adopting technologies in order to assess the social support offered to youth who face adversity.


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