Vol. 14 No. 1 (2023): MEDIA EDUCATION – Studi, ricerche e buone pratiche

How teacher training on analytic philosophy can help schools in developing a decommodified interpretation of coding activities

Margherita Di Stasio
Indire, Firenze
Beatrice Donati
University of Florence
Matteo Bianchini
Scuola Città Pestalozzi

Published 2023-01-30


  • Coding,
  • Computational Thinking,
  • Analytic Philosophy,
  • Logic,
  • Teacher Training


The term ‘coding’ is used to label a wide range of learning activities directly or indirectly related to the design and implementation of algorithmic procedures. These activities are now widespread in all levels of schools and are performed in very different pedagogical frameworks. Our hypothesis is that teachers look at coding from a perspective strongly influenced by their background. In particular, we deem that a logical and philosophical training may foster a de-commodified vision of coding and computational thinking. We have therefore decided to design and experiment a teacher training path that provides participants with some basics of logic and analytical philosophy. We analysed if and how this kind of training influences classroom coding activity. In the first part of this contribution (Sections 1 to 3) we introduce the theoretical framework underlying our hypothesis as well as the training and educational activities proposed to teachers. In the second part (Sections 4 to 7), we present the results of this path by means of a comparative case study focusing on the coding practices implemented in the experiences.


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