Vol. 14 No. 2 (2023): MEDIA EDUCATION – Studi, ricerche e buone pratiche

Ripensare le mappe argomentative nei nuovi contesti multimodali: una revisione narrativa della letteratura

Francesca Crudele
Università di Padova
Juliana Elisa Raffaghelli
University of Padova

Published 2023-12-31


  • digital literacy,
  • argument maps,
  • multimodal contexts,
  • critical thinking


With the emergence of medial and dynamic contexts, influenced by the invisible presence of the post-digital, the need for digital and transmedial literacy is arising, necessarily challenging education and training. It is essential to explore teaching strategies to support critical understanding beyond the static information. The argument maps, originally developed and tested in static information contexts, can be thought of as effective in emerging dynamic textual forms. Based on these premises, a narrative review of the literature was conducted. Three conceptual nodes have been identified, developed in specific essays and related bibliographies: a) the first relating to the educational concern on argumentative logic, from oral to written argumentation; b) the second relating to the argumentative maps, as a tool to support argumentative skills; c) the third focused on an ontological problematic in defining the argumentative text, from analog to multimodal. Starting from these three conceptual nodes, an initial conceptual response to the following research question was made: Can argumentative maps be applied in new media contexts (digital, transmedial, data literacy)? The interconnection between the three nodes highlighted the relevance of argumentation in the new media society and suggested an empirical investigation into the use of argumentative maps for digital literacy.


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