Fra i banchi di… casa. Il punto di vista dei giovani sulla didattica a distanza nei giorni del lockdown
Published 2023-01-30
- distance learning,
- youth,
- digital media,
- school,
- university
Copyright (c) 2023 Antonella Mascio, Cosimo Marco Scarcelli, Martina D'Ariano

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
The pandemic brought to the re-definition of some of the typical modalities of the scholar culture, both from the educators’ and the students’ points of view. In this situation emerged some new practices, new ways of teaching, and at the same time new forms of subtraction – or ‘resistance’ – from the students’ side, which created ‘unusual’ forms of digital scholastic and academic culture. The aim of this research is to investigate how much – and in particular how – the daily routine of the second grade and university students changed, compared to the previous phase of Covid-19, evaluating in particular the role of digital media inside these dynamics. The main tool used has been the interview, hand out to forty boys and girls from secondary and university degree, leaving in different Italian regions. The interviews arose that thanks to digital media, during the pandemic periods, boys and girls used several strategies such as resistance and re-signification of domestic spaces, aiming at responding to a previously unknown and unexpected situation.
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