Sustaining foreign aid initiatives in the field of media and information literacy within the central asian context
Published 2024-06-12
- MIL,
- sustainability,
- Central Asia,
- best practices,
- policymakers
Copyright (c) 2024 Azamjon Dadakhonov

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
In the ever-evolving landscape of global media and information dissemination, the need for literacy and critical understanding has become increasingly paramount. Central Asia, with its unique cultural tapestry and geopolitical challenges, stands as a region ripe for intervention in the realm of media and information literacy (MIL). This research paper examines the endeavours to attain sustainability in international MIL projects within the distinctive context of Central Asia. Through a multi-faceted approach incorporating in-depth interviews with prominent media trainers and MIL experts and research works from Central Asian scholars, the study offers a comprehensive exploration of the sustainability landscape in the region. This study delves into the challenges and strategies associated with sustaining MIL initiatives, shedding light on the intricacies of fostering MIL in Central Asia. Findings highlight the importance of local partnerships, contextualization of interventions, resource allocation, technology integration, and policy advocacy in promoting sustainable MIL practices. Through a comprehensive review of existing literature, policy documents, and empirical data, this paper sheds light on the various dimensions of foreign aid projects in MIL. The paper provides valuable guidance for policymakers, practitioners, and stakeholders involved in advancing MIL efforts in Central Asia and beyond.
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