Un progetto per promuovere la competenza digitale nella scuola: Patentino per cittadini digitali
Published 2024-06-12
- digital competence,
- driving licence,
- school project,
- digital citizenship,
Copyright (c) 2024 Maria Rosaria Fiorelli , Francesco Mezzanotte; Floriana Falcinelli , Lisa Baldella ; Caterina Lombardi
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
This article presents the training course aimed at primary, first and second level secondary schools, carried out by teachers using a kit of materials prepared by experts and designed for each individual school level entitled: License for digital citizens. The initiative aims to attract younger people from the age group in which we know independent use of the internet is widespread (9-15 years). Promoted and coordinated by the USR for Umbria in collaboration with EFT Umbra and Corecom Umbria, it is implemented and managed by a stable working group. The logic of the project aims at prevention through the training and awareness of multiple social actors, rather than intervening in the face of emergencies.
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