Published 2024-06-12
- Antisemitism 2.0,
- digital public sphere,
- network society
Copyright (c) 2024 Claudia Hassan

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
The backdrop of a fragmented and disfigured public sphere in the context of social networks and platforms constitutes the ideal breeding ground for different forms of anti-Semitism. Anti-Jewish prejudice thus becomes one of the poles of the disinformation, post-truth and conspiracy circuit that has undergone an impressive surge of online content in the past decade. Within this context, the article examines the online anti-Semitism of some Italian sites by highlighting the traditional frameworks of offline anti-Semitism and the difficulty of combating it due to the network’s own characteristics. The democratic restrictions on the use of anti-Semitic formulas, language and rhetoric fail on the net where anti-Semitism acquires currency and normalization.
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