Internet overdose e apprendimento scolastico. Un’analisi degli studenti italiani attraverso i dati della rilevazione PISA 2022
Published 2024-12-30
- Internet overuse,
- Educational learning,
- Italian upper secondary students,
- PISA 2022
Copyright (c) 2024 Orazio Giancola, Salmieri Luca

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
This article examines online activities’ impact on Italian students’ academic skills using data from the OECD-PISA 2022 database. By applying multiple regression models, the study evaluates how different frequencies and modes of internet use affect learning outcomes in mathematics among Italian high school students. The findings indicate that moderate internet use can positively influence learning, while excessive use – defined as overuse starting from daily usage exceeding 3 hours and extending to 5-7 hours – or more is associated with a significant decline in academic performance. The analysis is based on data from a sample of 11,785 fifteen-year-old students. It employs linear regression models to assess the relationship between time spent online and mathematics scores (and, in some cases, reading comprehension) obtained in the standardized tests of the OECD-PISA 2022 survey. The methodological approach incorporates linear regression models and extends the analysis to reading skills. Students who spend more than hours a day online achieve significantly lower scores compared to those who limit their usage to a maximum of 1-2 hours. Furthermore, the study explores the influence of socio-demographic variables and the socio-economic and cultural status index (ESCS) on academic outcomes. The research highlights the importance of parents, teachers, and educators promoting the conscious and balanced use of digital technologies.
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