Published 2024-12-30
- AI literacy,
- artificial intelligence,
- cyberviolence,
- gender education,
- replika
- VAW ...More
Copyright (c) 2024 Simona Tirocchi

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Violence against women is increasingly becoming a global phenomenon, involving millions of people worldwide, reinforcing the condition of social inequality that has historically relegated women to a subordinate position, within a framework of inequality and discrimination. The development of digital technologies (Web 2.0, social media, digital platforms) and, more recently, artificial intelligence, is contributing to the emergence of new, sometimes more insidious than traditional ones, forms of violence, raising questions about how to combat them. Specifically, the article proposes a theoretical reflection on the new forms of digital violence enabled by technology, with a focus on the case of the chatbot Replika. The qualitative and quantitative expansion of violence poses new media-education challenges, particularly regarding the need to design and propose new forms of prevention suited to this new landscape and to strengthen specific AI Literacy.
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