Vol. 6 No. 2 (2015): MEDIA EDUCATION – Studi, ricerche e buone pratiche


Published 2020-05-01


  • Digital Revolution, ethics, Mobile Learning, education, christian virtues


Against the background of revolutionary digital technologies, mobile learning and the crisis of conventional paradigms in mass societies, the present study shows how innovative and multidisciplinary research – capable of both observing and interpreting reality as well as consolidating a pedagogical model open to inter-cultural dialogue with faith and ethics – will allow different cultures to re-appropriate the scientific, pedagogic, ethical and linguistic methodologies necessary for the formation of the ‘human being’. The post-modern condition of the ‘liquid society’, where only transient values are given, with the consequence of uncertainty and dissatisfaction, is the right time to return to the true moral values, i.e. those described by the classical philosophy and the Christian religion that fully realize the human being.


This inspiration enables Pedagogy to overcome the uncertainties that afflict subjects in education; overcome the absence of languages and shared ethics; overcome the paroxysmal defense of freedom of thought and action; respond to the lack of model teachers who can have a positive influence on their students; discourage marked and more widespread individualism.