Do Youtube à escola: transformações nas práticas docentes dos professores de história, provocadas pelo acesso de estudantes a conteúdos de história veiculados por youtubers

Published 2020-06-26
- cyberculture and education,
- Theory Actor-Network,
- Youtube,
- history teaching,
- teaching practices
This article describes changes in the teaching practices of high school history teachers, when their students access history content through the digital social network Youtube. As a result of the results of a master’s research, it aims to identify and describe the strategies adopted by teachers in the face of the challenge of teaching to a hyperconnected generation. The research was structured as being of a qualitative nature and had as theoretical and methodological assumptions: Goodman (1961) for the research technique Snowball; Bardin (2004) for the analysis of the content of the interviews; in addition to the dialogue with the authors Bruno Latour (2012); André Lemos (2008); Martha K. Borges (2007); Pierre Lévy (2010); Lucia Santaella and Renata Lemos (2010); Maria Auxiliadora Schmidt and Marlene Cainelli (2004); and Maria Mizukami (1986). The evidence corroborates with the understanding that the teaching-learning process in the time of cyberculture and cyberspace demand new initiatives and approaches that go beyond the traditional teaching model, such as, for example, dedicating planning time in the observation and analysis of YouTube channels that disseminate distorted concepts.